
04.01.2013 WebPage V10 English version.

19.12.2012 New WebPage V10 online.

28.11.2012 BrokerBase delivers DMS.

18.10.2012 Timberland introduces BrokerBase in Hungary.

10.10.2012 New WM interface for the Internet.

13.10.2012 SQL Server 2012 successfully tested.

28.09.2012 Complete change of BrokerBase development to .Net 2012

10.02.2012 Trial for BB10 delivered

BrokerBase: Internetbanking

BrokerBase offers a complete Internet banking system, which is specifically designed for each of our customers. The internet banking system is generally part of the client's web page and it is not recognizable from outside as an additional module.

The BBECS (Broker Base Event Control System) is an electronic workflow that monitors the entire credit system, automatically creates the credit bookings, accepts payments due and controls the further processes. When limits are exceeded or upon expiry of overdraft, the BBECS automatically informs the users, based on the user role about the events, so that following the four-eyes principle, further steps can be taken.

The BrokerBase Internet Banking masks are supplied for the following products:

  • Login mask with PIN
  • Mask to change your PIN
  • Dynamic statement with a start and end date
  • Overview listing of bookings
  • Overview listing of stocks
  • In addition, total access account groups (managed accounts)
  • Mailbox for account statements, customer letters, account opening documents, etc.
  • Automatic reading of the account opening documents into the DMS



• Real Multitreading

• Central Control

• Prioritization

• Use of the MultiCore-CPU


BrokerBase MultiThread

• Customer-Relationship-Management

• Document-Management-System

Premium CRM und DMS