Control over BBECS (BrokerBase Event-Control-System)
Physical separation of the back office and compliance
Role-based access control
BrokerBase ServerJob: BookingMachine
The Broker Base Booking Machine is a Univeral interface to server-job basis for the connection to ALL external data and
data streams. The big advantage is the parameterization of the individual import data. No elaborate tests need to be taken after the import, as the data
is immediately posted in the system error free.
BookingMachine features:
Universal interface for all imports into BrokerBase
Complete parameterization of interfaces
Three steps process for external data reading:
1. Reading the data and creating a history by the MiFID rules
2. Check the imported data for correctness and completeness. The user has the possibility to correct the errors or data afterwards (BBECS ).
Data extension by auditable additional information such as auditable target account, instrument, etc.
3. Booking the error free data. Data that still needs to be corrected, can be booked afterwards.
Creating account events such as "account is ready for the bank statement", these accounts beeing automatically processed later (for example from BB-mail server).
Central calculation of the sub-ledger (Prima Nota bookings), up to 12 Prima Nota bookings are created for a trade. This Prima Nota bookings follow the
rules of the General Ledger.
Creating the data logs by the MiFID rules (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive)
All data is stored on MS-SQL parameters. There are no collision errors on the SQL server pages but it is firstly checked whether the data already complies with the SQL Server
rules! This prevents deadlocks in large databases or simply incorrect data on the insert page. Deadlocks are extremly rare today, but the engineering department is relieved
and the operation is generally more secure.
Server Job: Extremely fast imports, about 10,000 trades in 10 minutes
In BrokerBase 10.0 was introduced an event controlling system (BBECS) for central editing lists and error control.
The BBECS is of course connected to the alarm set module and displays all events in a comprehensible and user-specific mode.