Control over BBECS (BrokerBase Event-Control-System)
Data display in a browser for control
Role-based access control
BrokerBase ServerJob: § 24c KWG Automated access to account information
The BrokerBase Server Job § 24c KWG Automated searching of account information provides an interface for daily communications
to the Federal Agency. The interface creates from all accounts and deposits the appropriate message files and stores the data for transfer to the given
software to the Federal Agency. All steps are carried out automatically.
For controlling, the reporting module creates a log file in which all the events with date and time are recorded.
Additionally, all data are archived so that it can be checked at any time. Newest entries are simple and reliable.
Export is extremely fast, as described above, a central server takes over the job tasks.
An export of 5,000 messages to the entire server job takes less than 2 minutes.
In BrokerBase 10.0 was introduced an event controlling system (BBECS) for central editing lists and error control.
The BBECS is of course connected to the alarm set module and displays all events in a comprehensible and user-specific mode.